Let's get this out of the way...

About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog. A little about me…Well, to start I am a born again Believer!!! I love the Lord and I was created to worship. I am a wife, mom, entrepreneur and author. I have a passion for teaching others and imparting gems that will help them flourish and grow into all that they were created to be. Because of that passion, I am a seeker of truth, wisdom and understanding; an avid reader (ok, more like an avid listener of all of my books in my car) and a Maker, who spends most days making beautiful handcrafted gifts.

My hope is that as I get inspired, you get inspired and as I learn and grow, I will able to share nuggets that will help you grow into all that you were created to be.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Be Encouraged!